L’asbl ALDI a pour mission le renforcement de la position sociale des plus en plus faibles des communautés de base, conscientiser des communautés pour un développement autonome dans toute l’étendu de la RDC.
En effet, notre organisation humanitaire dénommée Association locale pour le développement intégral, ALDI en sigle, organisation humanitaire nationale qui intervient dans le cadre d’assistance multisectorielle aux populations vulnérables. Nous sommes actifs dans différents domaines tels que : Eau et assainissement, sécurité alimentaire, Education, Protection et assistance en Non Food Items par l’approche Foire.
ALDI a déjà réalisé plusieurs activités en RDC dans les zones ci-après :

  • A l’ouest du pays dans la province de bas Congo apporte une aides au refoules de ANGOLA

  • Dans la ville de Kinshasa construction des écoles en milieu préurbain et dan la province de l’Équateur a Mbandaka le projet de sécurité alimentaire.

  • A l’est du pays dans la province orientale dans la province orientale dans le district de l’ituri (projet de sécurité alimentaire, projet watsan et le projet NFI/Abris pour les ménages retournes et couvrant haut Uélé et bas Uele. (Projet de protection.

  • Au nord Kivu (projet ddrrr, projet de sécurité alimentaire dans le territoire de walikale.)

  • Actuellement nous avons un projet de sécurité alimentaire au Nord Kivu Axe walikale Kibua, ce projet d’appui a la production alimentaire à 2 272 menages retournés déplacés et familles d’accueils qui durera pendant une période de 12mois ayant pour partenaires : ITAPEL, FAO, IPAPEL, 8 groupement agricoles, SENASEM et PAM a démarré précisément au début du mois d’octobre 2013.

What is ALDI International?

ALDI is a non-profit nongovernmental Organization for independent development agreed by the Ministerial Order No 56/CAB/MIN/J/2009 of 25 June 2009 granting Legal Status to the non-sectarian and non-profit Association called « ASSOCIATION LOCALE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT INTEGRAL’ abbreviated “A.L.D.I”, for the specific goal of development of communities and humanitarian assistance in case of disaster. Present in more than four provinces in DR Congo, ALDI is a known national NGO.

People That ALDI serves

ALDI recognize the individual’s inherent dignity and is committed to improving the life quality of men, women and children.
ALDI provides services to anyone regardless of his ethnicity, political or religious affiliation. It simply assists those in need, especially the most vulnerable such as women, children and youth.

The portfolio of ALDI

The Socio Economic Development and Rehabilitation of Social Infrastructure;
Primary Health Care;
The Food security;
Preparation and Response to Disasters;
Basic education;
Protection of Vulnerable.
The Mission of ALDI

Reflect the effectiveness and efficiency through the development activities.
Actively support communities in need through a range of development activities planned and implemented in a spirit of collaboration.
Provide assistance in case of a disaster or a situation of a persistent necessity, to work in collaboration with those who are affected, to find long-term solutions.
Work through fair association, with those who are in need to achieve, within communities, a positive and lasting change.
Establish networks that develop the capacity of the local population, appropriate technology and skills at all levels.
Develop and maintain relationships with our partners and constituents that provide effective channels for mutual growth and action.
Development and Assistance. The work of ALDI is twofold: development and assistance. As an Organization of Development, ALDI is focused on sustainable development and the preparation and response to disaster. The organization responds to disasters that occur in Ituri in particular and the DR Congo generally.
Teach the Congolese to fish "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." By operating according to this principle, ALDI use the majority of its resources for development.
95% of the work of ALDI is focused on development activities.

History of ALDI

The persistence of the socio-economic crisis in what is added today the Congolese political crisis is an extraordinary challenge for the development of the community. It is in response to this challenge that some members in consultation with the farmers thought to define a simple, practical and realistic strategies to be implemented for the harmonious and successful launch of the Democratic Republic of Congo, both economic and socio-cultural This in the way to find an appropriate way to get out of the impasse of underdevelopment. Thus in April 1997 as a peasant group, the Local Association for the Integral Development abbreviated 'ALDI 'in French started in UDULEBA (near Mont Hoyo) in community Walese Vonkutu, in the Territory of Irumu, Ituri District, Oriental Province in the DRC.
In 1999, it will change to a non-governmental development organization with membership of other people. And the HQ will move to Bunia.
We decided to create, in accordance with the Decree Law No. 196 of 29 January 1999 on the regulation of non-profit organizations and public institutions.
For more information about ALDI , please read our brochure;

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